The Vienna Pink Dragons are the first breast cancer survivor team in Austria, formed in 2015 by Svenja
Franke-Bruhn (VPD) and Nina Kerres (VD). We are an important part of our local Club, the Vienna Dragons, who
have supported us in these early years with their equipment, knowledge, helms and coaches. The progress was
slow in the beginning, but patience and perseverance paid off and in 2017 we even introduced a very successful
BC category at the Vienna Dragonboat festival.
Early on we were determined to bring a team to Florence as it is an exceptional
opportunity to introduce our young team to the international community. The Vienna
Pink Dragons International is now our composite team name when we are traveling
abroad until we have enough members to fill a whole boat.
We are very proud to now have a truly international team with 25 paddlers from
ten different nations: AUT, NZ, BE, FR, ZA, CA, DE, PL, UK and AUS. We are also
very pleased to have members from the five first pink paddling teams in their respective countries: Vienna Pink Dragons,
Pink Ribbonettes, Busting with Life, EnsemblepourElles and AmaBele Belles.
The Vienna Pink Dragons International are very much looking forward to participating in the 5th IBCPC Festival!