Montréal, Québec
Two Abreast is proud to be celebrating the 20th anniversary of
our founding in December 2017, and sharing our 20th season of
paddling in Florence.
During winter months we paddle in an indoor paddling tank at our
dragon-boat racing club, including Zumba and weights.
Breast Cancer doesn’t discriminate: We are currently 33 members
strong with ages ranging from 45 to 88, average age 63. Forty-two
percent of our members were born in countries other than Canada:
Argentina, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Haiti, Italy, Jamaica,
Morocco, Peru, Scotland, Serbia, Spain. Most, 73% speak both English
and French and 36% speak a third language, including Italian! Our
French-language name, Côte-à-côte, means “side by side”.
Thank you, Firenze in Rosa, for organizing and hosting this amazing event! The team is on a high, planning for it!