Torino - Italy
We are a sport team founded back in 2010 in Turin, Italy by a group of
breast cancer survivors.
Since 2012, it is a non profit organisation/association.
Our mission is for operated women; in particular to help women who
have suffered breast cancer, to enjoy life and not only survive their disease/
condition. Our activities focus on the sport of Dragon boat, but we also
organize meetings and discussions along with medical conferences on
topics related to breast cancer and its consequences.
We currently have 70 members, of which 80% are paying and the majority
are Pink Ladies (breast cancer survivors). We also have non operated women
(Supporters), who train along side our Dragonettes.
These women support our “alternatively lucky” (as the Dragonettes like to
define themselves). They have become an integral part of the team.
Our objective to organize 2 teams: one pink and the other blue – has
almost been reached.