The Dragon Divas St. Paul-Minneapolis, Minnesota
USA bring the message of hope to those diagnosed with
breast cancer. The Dragon Divas breast cancer survivor
dragon boat racing team was launched in 2006 with
8 survivors on board. Since then the team has grown
with each season, to over 80 members. The Dragon
Divas turn survivors into thrives after cancer treatment
through camaraderie, healthy lifestyle choices, and
physical exercise. The mission of the Dragon Divas is to demonstrate that a full and
active life is possible following the diagnosis of breast cancer. The organization provides
an opportunity for members to connect with other breast cancer survivors in a supportive
environment to enhance their physical, emotional, and spiritual health. The Dragon Divas are dedicated to promoting the early detection of breast cancer and
raising awareness in the community of the importance of physical fitness in fighting this disease. Through our message and action, the Dragon Divas honor the
memory of those who have died from the disease and the blessings they have bestowed on our survivorship. Joining the Dragon Divas in our second boat are ten
women from the Prairie Dragon Paddlers (founded in 2015) from Champaign, Illinois USA. Even though the distance between our two clubs is 500 miles
(800 kilometers), we were able to spend a wonderful weekend paddling and developing some great friendships! A breast cancer diagnosis brought us all together.